Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie Ranks Explained

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  1. MRxchampionzx

    May 9, 2012
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    Hi I have a post about the ranking system that we help a lot.

    So here's how it works out; t he emblem is about your skill. If you have one bone it means you are bad or have never played before. The emblem with the two shotguns means that you are a very skilled player. To get the knife through the head I think you need like 110K:1D (110 kills and 1 down). So it is based on kills:downs.

    The tally marks are how often you play. 1 tally mark means that you very rarely play and 5 means that you are a quote on quote 'addict'. If you have 5 tally marks you will then get the blue eyes for 100%.

    You can be demoted both ways. The tally marks go down if you are not online for 2 or more days I think and the emblem goes down if you get like 20K:1D or do really badly on a match. To level up I reccomend you go on custom game; set the difficulty to easy and put the starting round to 15. Buy the door to jug and then buy the MP5 an Jug. Train untill you get enough for perks and pack-a-punch and then get: Speed cola; Double Tap and Stamin-up. You do not want quick revive as the second you are about to go down or if you get cronered or full red screen and about to get hit; you will quit the game. When it says 'Game Over' it m,ight say one down if you quit the game just before you went down but it won't count but the kills will. Try to aim for 200+ kills before having to quit.

    If this has helped anyone please notify my by leaving a quick comment.

    Thank you;
    Champ ;)

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  2. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Kill down ration doesn't have anything to do with it. I used to think it did but I have like 200:1 and still not ranked up to blue eyes. I had an amazing game last night, 1.5k kills 1 down and stayed on the Skull with Dagger level 4. I was so sure I was going to get my blue eyes back as I got demoted for inactivity but nope.

    No one knows exactly what ranks you up yet, so anything that anyone tells you or you read on the internet (Unless by Treyarch themselves) is just a theory.

    Also I heard that custom games didn't do anything for rank because it doesn't do anything for leaderboards.

  3. Phillaholik

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Did you even read his post? He said that frequency of play is what determines the blue eyes not K/D.

    Since Treyarch hasn't put out official information the only way for us to find out is for people to try to test theories like this out themselves and come on forums ask others to help confirm. Nothing wrong with that.

  4. Chinamatic

    Nov 13, 2012
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    I have skull w/knife.
    Kills/Down: 80
    Accuracy: 75%
  5. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    I've had the blue eyes before and I played about an hour a day and since I'm on R&R now, I've been playing about 3-4 hours a day. I did read what he said but I knew it wasn't right. This post has been done multiple times before, we don't need people writing the same thing of what they think ranks you up. There's an official thread for it.

    Don't try to argue with me when I put my point across, because you're just contradicting yourself, saying people come on here to confirm what's right. I'm just confirming what's not right for experience with the game.

  6. MRxchampionzx

    May 9, 2012
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    No I don't know for sure; my estimates for ration weren't right; my friend's is 120:1 and he has the shotguns. However with the blue eyes and stuff I am 100% sure. The thing which I don't know for sure is the emblems; but that was my guess; maybe it is skills altogether like revives etc. No custom games does rank you up; but for rounds survived it don't count whereas kills; downs etc do. All I am trying to say is play about an hour a day and keep on training with that strategy. And eventually you will level up; sure your a member and I'm a newcomer but I've been on this forum since May; And I know to fact that this isn't 100% confirmed; it's a theory which I think is about 80% right. They said we have to figure it out our selfs; well we have to try don't we?
  7. BothDragoon4902

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Calm down sirs!!!

    Lol jk but seriously can we have a discussion and debunk theories without getting so hostile?? I personally agree with the tally marks to frequency of play system. However I think emblems relate to overall play and averages.

  8. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    I'm all for debating about the rank theories but the thread has been done before, can't people use the 'search' before hand or else we just keep getting duplicate threads and it's pointless.
  9. TheClapJew

    Dec 5, 2012
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    There is alot more to it than just Kills to Downs, or Accuracy. Its already clear that the rank structure determains how good of a player you are. So if you have a skull with a knife that simply means that you have very good ratios with more than 2 of the factors. Such as good bullets hit compared to bullets fired, or how many kills you have compared to downs. As far as the shotguns, I belive that you need to be an all around great player. Very high Kill to Down ratio. Very high accuracy. Revives compared to your Downs. Miles traveled to Gibs killed. Basically every stat needs to be reletivly solid.

    I am trying to figure out the programing formula for this so if you could add me for xbox ill be able to figure this out. PS im looking for players who have skull, skull w/knife, and skull w/shotgun.

    Gamertag is TheClapJew.
    NO NOOBS!!!

  10. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Got skull and knife and my friend has the skull and shotguns. I'll add you later if you're up for it.
  11. TheClapJew

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Yeah please do, that would be helpfull. For xbox right?
  12. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Yeah we're on xbox. Whereabouts are you from?
  13. TheClapJew

    Dec 5, 2012
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    MN, USA. How about yourself. Also what is your strongest stat on BO2 Zombies + What game are you best at (Grief, Tranzit, Survival, ETC...)
  14. Gezza93

    Nov 19, 2012
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    From the UK mate. Probably good that your from US as we play til early morning here but should be ok for you. Not sure what my strongest one is. Probably Tranzit or Grief. When you play with us, we'll definitely get to 30 on Tranzit. My friend only plays Tranzit though, so if you want a game on Grief and I'm not already in a game, I'll happily play that. I'll try and get him on it as well. What do you think your strongest game is?
  15. I have a skull with a knife in the background, I'll post my KDR a bit later on.
  16. where is the accuracy? I looked and don't see it. I think I can figure it out with shots fired and hits but this doesn't seem right compared to what others are posting...?

    downs: 381 114 kills/down :O/

    bullets fired: 122,883
    Hits: 382,511 = 311%

  17. jungleboy203

    Dec 17, 2012
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    kill death ratio has everything to do with it. its not the kd in a single game but a kd in your overall career. just grab a calculator and divide your overall kills with your overall downs. than you will get your kd ratio. I was on skull with blue eyes forever. but yesterday I just reached over a 100 kd and I now have knife with blues eyes.
  18. shibby5542

    Dec 19, 2012
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    I agree that K/D ratio has a lot to do with it....
    My theory:
    The better your other stats are... the lower your K/D ratio has to be
    If youre other stats arent very good, the higher your K/D ratio has to be

    Friend i play with has a 60 K/D ratio, yet has the DaggerSkull.. his other stats are really good up to par with mine.

    Im still stuck at dagger with skull. Im hoping once i hit 180 kdr i will get my shotguns emblem.
    My stats:

    Kills: 82505
    Revives: 1825
    Downs: 499
    Accuracy: 86%
    Grenade Kills: 2171
    Traveled Miles: 794
    Perks: 1009
    Headshots: 22%

  19. Team Daryl

    Nov 16, 2012
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    I would say work on getting your accuracy and headshots up
  20. shibby5542

    Dec 19, 2012
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    True Story.

    I need to stop emptying the guns i get from the mystery box when im hitting it non stop trying to get my guns.

    i would have probably 96% accuracy or higher if i had never done this

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Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie Ranks Explained


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