How Do I Know Am Pregnant Without Symptoms

Positive pregnancy test without Symptoms

  • Pregnancy Without Any Symptoms – Is It Possible?
  • What If You're Uncertain About Your Pregnancy?
  • What If the Doctor Confirms Your Pregnancy But You Don't Have Any Symptoms?
  • Does This Happen to Women With PCOS?
  • What If the Pregnancy Symptoms Stop Suddenly?

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You tested positive on your pregnancy kit and were expecting all the pregnancy symptoms to start kicking in. Morning sickness, breast tenderness, fatigue, and nausea seemed to be on the way. If you're reading this, it's likely that the above symptoms haven't made their appearance just yet. However, you shouldn't assume that something is wrong.

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Some experience all the symptoms in the book while others experience none.

Pregnancy Without Any Symptoms – Is It Possible?

Many women who test positive and see no symptoms often wonder, "Can I be pregnant without any symptoms?". The answer is, yes. Pregnancy without symptoms is common and no, it does not mean that your baby is in trouble.

Every woman goes through a different experience during pregnancy and as such, no two pregnancies are similar. Some women reach up to7 weeks of pregnancy with no symptoms. After this, they begin experiencing symptoms like an increase in appetite, nausea, soreness, etc.

When the fertilised embryo gets implanted in the uterus 6 to 12 days after ovulation, most women are not aware of the changes. Even if you don't see any symptoms in the early stages, you may suddenly experience nausea or morning sickness a few weeks into your pregnancy.

What If You're Uncertain About Your Pregnancy?

If you've taken an early pregnancy detection test at home, you may have got a positive result but not experienced any symptoms.

Early pregnancy detection strips measure the level of hCG in the urine to determine pregnancy. The level of hCG hormone is very low during the early stages. Hence, if you've taken a test and are uncertain of your pregnancy, it's best to visit a gynaecologist and get your blood and urine tested to determine pregnancy.

What If the Doctor Confirms Your Pregnancy But You Don't Have Any Symptoms?

Even if a gynaecologist has confirmed your conception, you may not experience any symptoms. This means that you are among the lucky ones who experience little to no symptoms during pregnancy. Or you may have not noticed slight changes like an increase in your appetite, fatigue or a rise in your energy level.

Doctor Confirms Your Pregnancy but You Don't Have Any Symptoms

Despite the lack of symptoms, we recommend that you keep up your routine checkups to track fetal development. If you feel unusual pain or cramps, visit the doctor immediately.

Does This Happen to Women With PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that causes the ovaries to develop cysts. Many women who have PCOS find it difficult to get pregnant.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Those who do get pregnant experience minor or no symptoms at all, making PCOS one of the most common causes of pregnancy without symptoms. A pregnant PCOS woman would feel mild hunger pangs or soreness, but not as much as a woman without PCOS.

So, if you have PCOS and aren't experiencing any symptoms, it's likely nothing wrong with your baby. You can consult your doctor for a better understanding of pregnancy with PCOS.

What If the Pregnancy Symptoms Stop Suddenly?

Signs of Miscarriage

Most women miscarry within the first12 weeks of pregnancy as the body is more likely to eliminate a pregnancy in case something goes wrong. Only a few miscarriages occur after this point.

However, in case you've been experiencing symptoms of early pregnancy and they've stopped abruptly, it's wise to consult gynaecologist, as it may indicate a miscarriage.

Some signs of miscarriage include:

  • Intenseabdominal pain
  • Regular painful contractions
  • Bleeding

Sometimes, miscarriage happens without the expecting mom even realising it; hence it's important to keep a check on your pregnancy at all times.

Note: Some women have delayed pregnancies in which the embryo and pregnancy sac develop a little later even though the pregnancy test result is positive. In such cases, please contact your doctor to rule out unusual or tubal pregnancies.

The key to a successful pregnancy is staying informed and taking all the necessary precautions. Every woman goes through a different experience. If you're experiencing pregnancy without any symptoms, you can consider yourself a lucky mother-to-be and enjoy your pregnancy a little more.

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How Do I Know Am Pregnant Without Symptoms


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